I didn't know Esther well. She was a friend of friends. After she passed away, there was a box filled with snapshots she'd taken. Many were recognizable theatre celebs of long ago. Other photos were of her and others. Some photos had inscriptions on the reverse, which I've noted. Others had nothing. This box was destined for the trash bin. I saved it.

14 September 2009


The back of this reads, "Shubert.....B & G Together 1940". The body language of Esther says she's not friends with these folks & is humbled to be getting a snapshot with them. This veiled dame's gotta be somebody! Help!

July 29, 2020- I just learned that there's a Jane Pickens Theatre in Newport, RI! I'm ashamed to admit that I guess didn't come across it when I put the blog together. Shows you what an idiot I am!


The Cool Cookie said...

Is she wearing an albatrose upon her shoulders?

normadesmond said...

albatross are pretty skimpy. i think that this was some great big mammal that she pointed to & someone else shot. like picking your lobster from a restaurant's tank & waiting for it to be delivered to you, cracked & buttered.

Anonymous said...

See comment for above photo. The dame in the middle should be Jane Pickens, star of "Boys and Girls Together."